Saturday, November 3, 2007

World Trade Center

World Trade Center is base on a true story of the rescue of Port Authority Officers John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno. I tell you first off, this is a boo-hoo movie as it should be.

The movie begins on just a normal day Tuesday September 11, 2001, John McLoughlin (Nicolas Cage) & Will Jimeno (Michael Peña) were getting ready for work. They report to their respective duties at the bus terminal where they see the shadow of the first plane fly overhead.

The Port Authority Officers quickly make there way to the World Trade Centers and in the bus you hear them talking about the possibility of the second tower being hit too. They arrive at the location and realize this is not something that anyone is prepared for. McLoughlin who is a Sargent and was at the 1993 WTC attacks takes a group of men consisting of Jimeno, Dominick Pezzulo (Jay Hernandez) & Antonio Rodrigues (A-Rod) (Armando Riesco). While they are in the North Tower they run into Chris Amoroso (Jon Bernthal) who tells them that the Pentagon has been hit my a missile. Suddenly you hear the earth shake and you know it is the South Tower falling. The men run into an elevator shaft where all but Jimeno & McLoughlin survive.

You are not sure how many hours they are underneath the ruble until you hear the earth shaking again and they North Tower falls on top of them. It is nightfall when two United States Maries Dave Karnes (Michael Shannon) and Jason Thomas hear the men stuck in the rubble.

This movie was so powerful and wonderful and you realize the confusion and dedication these men & women had to go into the Towers when everyone was leaving. This movie was of course without controversy. Dave Karnes did not participate in the film so most of his portrayal is what other people remembered. The film also portrays Jason Thomas as being white when he was black, the film's producers did not realize their mistake until after production. Jeanette Pezzulo has expressed her anger and McLoughlin & Jimeno participation in the film. She's quoted as saying, "My thing is: this man died for you. How do you do this to this family?" I give this movie a 7 out of 10.

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